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Cultural Failure And
Psychospiritual Empowerment


We, affluent humans have developed a secular and unstable lifestyle that frustrates and disappoints many psychologically normal persons as they fail to make life meaningful, because it does not meet our crucial psychospiritual needs.


We recall no one who discussed this widespread existential frustration that complicates life more clearly than Catherine Hendricks. This mining company executive attended a FRONTIERS OF FULFILLMENT program we conducted at the University of Arizona in Tucson for the Affiliated Women’s Clubs Of Arizona. Catherine lamented when she spoke with us after the program;

"I’m one woman who did everything well. I stayed out of trouble in school, married the right guy and joined a great company when it started taking women seriously. I’ve made sound business decisions along the way and shall surely become a V P before I’m forty. I live in a home my parents think a mansion and have two beautiful children. I do a job thousands envy. Obviously, I have everything. Right? Wrong!

Much of my life feels incomplete and caught up in trivia. My kids are rebelling with sex and drugs and I’m almost certain my husband is having an affair with a little twerp. I feel deeply dissatisfied at the most inopportune times, as if nothing counts except for my sixty hour work weeks and paying for the house and the Mercedes. There must be more to life than this but when my therapist asks what‘s missing, I can’t even tell her.

I worry that I’m going mad to feel this way despite my accomplishments in my company and my prestige in the community. What do I do when I’ve won everything I’ve ever wanted and it isn’t enough to keep me happy?"

What indeed? Catherine’s all too common frustration with her life and its limitations despite a fine career and a good family, are the painful by-products of a secular society awash in deep confusion about values and choices rather than from personal psychological ailments per se. Research among graduates from Harvard, Washington and Idaho State and Southern Methodist Universities reveal that a high percentage of successful alumni twenty years after graduation, feel that the best times of their lives are behind them, that the joy of life has vanished and all they have left are the repetitive and meaningless responsibilities of life. By middle age their work has become the only passion of many souls although our work is only one of several vital aspects of life that we must manage with knowledge and wisdom.

It has become obvious to many physicians, therapists, pastors and teachers in the helping business that we humans have inadvertently created a wealthy secular-minded civilization that complicates our lives with a great many counter-productive demands that weaken our ability to live wisely and well. Secular values and incessant changes keep multitudes of humans unhappy and off balance despite their affluence because as Catherine discovered, their crucial psychospiritually needs remain unmet.

Far too many persons feel as if they are not much better off than worker bees in a hive, completing meaningless tasks in shallow and transitory relationships that leave them feeling stuck in the midst of a life that is passing them by. Obviously, the above have little to do with neuroticism and mental illness but they do relate to the best way to make our lives meaningful and significant.

At one time, virtually everyone knew what the meaning of life was. Humans had to work like galley slaves to grow and store enough food and firewood so families wouldn’t starve or freeze during the winter moons. They had to fight off the raiders from across the river intent on stealing their livestock and grain. Half of the children died early in life from diseases and malnutrition and our ancestors knew they must placate the always capricious and often angry gods who sent famines, bad weather, plagues and epidemics to punish ungrateful and disobedient people and turn them back to the truth. The fires of perdition were awaiting any foolhardy soul who didn’t pray and pay and obey the gimlet-eyed, always watching priests who claimed the knowledge and wisdom needed to determine who entered Paradise. But when they got it right and the crops were good – our ancestors felt secure from belonging in the clan with grain in the barns, God in his heaven and wise King Winceslas on his throne. The cast of players in the great drama of life came and vanished from generation to generation but life went on in its recurring cycles as they gathered around bonfires after a good harvest to sing and dance, to get jolly with their beer and tell stories and to ponder who they were, where they came from and where they were going. Every society shared at least two things in common. They learned how to make alcohol to ease the pain of an uncertain existence and they developed forms of worship to connect with those gods who quite obviously were more wise and powerful than they themselves. We however, echo the lament uttered by Heller in Herman Hesse’s important novel about existential frustration, STEPPENWULF. We paraphrase –

There come times when men are caught between two ages – when we no longer know what is right and what is wrong, what we should do and how we ought to live.

In our era, multitudes of persons who ignore or reject their spiritual needs still ponder the purpose of their existence because a fragmented secular society makes it difficult to find consistent satisfaction. Many psychologically normal persons who automatically accept our civilization’s secular values and expedient choices as the most important aspects of life, are starving spiritually because they are seeking emotional security and spiritual assurance in situations and relationships where they cannot be found. Then, to complicate our lives still more – this complex industrial society continues to shift faster than we humans can comfortably adapt. Confusing changes rush over us at the speed of a child’s kaleidoscopic toy shifting its scenes. We no sooner become comfortable with our lives than society changes again and we are forced to abandon the familiar and change our careers, locations and even exchange our families. Many frustrated souls have unknowingly accepted too pragmatic a life-style that materialistic values, attitudes and expectations cannot satisfy for long. Especially as we grow past the awe of childhood and adolescence in order to meet the demanding responsibilities and repetitive duties of an adult life.

We are pleased to report that Catherine who had neither neurotic nor psychotic tendencies as she feared, delved deeply into Viktor Frankl’s Logotherapy classic volumes MAN’S SEARCH FOR MEANING and THE DOCTOR AND THE SOUL and completed our FRONTIERS OF FULFILLMENT study course and made a successful effort to recover the psychospiritually elements of life she had let slip in her unthinking reliance on a secular life-style. She and her husband rekindled their love affair, started worshipping in a faith community that met their spiritual needs and saw their children safely through college. She and Harold began making regular contributions to society for the good of their souls and she went on to assume a major leadership role in her mining company. They internalized the benefits of Logotherapy to make their way joyfully through the challenges of life forced on all persons by our very existence. In other words - she and her family had learned that consistent satisfaction and fulfillment are not found by chance like a coin along a roadside but occur as the result of planning wisely and developing legitimate reasons for one’s life, love and labor to become consistently purposeful.

And now -- in order to help persons find satisfaction by maturing psychospiritually and to help others develop their sense of meaning, we of The DeVille Logotherapy Learning Center have researched and developed a Logotherapy curriculum of eighteen graduate Logotherapy courses in five majors to help persons like yourself make life deeply meaningful and consistently rewarding in your love, labor and career.



Logotherapy is a psychospiritual philosophy of a satisfying life-style that includes a consciously applied regimen of ethical virtues, positive attitudes and powerful methods that are deliberately focused toward making life more meaningful for psychologically normal persons. It enables the person to deal wisely and well with the many challenges within a fast shifting society’s secular value system that fails to meet our deepest human needs. Unlike a psychology degree that does little to heal neurotic wounds, our Logotherapy training offers lifestyle improvements for normal persons from the beginning. The development of a purposeful lifestyle relieves a great many secular frustrations and most spiritual bankruptcies. Logotherapy enables women and men to create a fulfilling life despite the secular failures and the self-defeating patterns of existence that multitudes of otherwise normal persons have naively chosen or had thrust on them by society.

Actually, we define ‘normal’ as the broad boulevard of human personality and behavior, rather than a narrow line, from which no one should deviate, along the very center of the highway of life. We rejoice in the widespread diversity of human personalities, attitudes and activities that make life so rich and stimulating for persons who are mature enough spiritually and emotionally to enjoy them.

The seeds of Logotherapy, were taught verbally to ordinary men and women by Jesus in his brilliant parables, sermons, debates and stern challenges to narcissistic religious and political rulers. For example, a great many scholars including Mahatma Gandhi call Jesus’ sermons on the mountainside of Galilee the most valuable discourse ever given to humanity. Other early spiritualists like Paul the Apostle and Augustine can be considered early existential counselors. So can Buddha and Lao Tzu. Their wisdom and knowledge, along with more recent spiritual developments by Soren Kierkegaard, Carl Jung and Otto Rank, were eventually drawn together by the saintly Viktor Frankl during a terrible period of human history and his own life. Like hundreds of millions of innocent souls, Viktor suffered through two World Wars, the Great Depression, the Cold War and the revolt of the world’s desperately poor now called Terrorism, plus the rise of the three evil ideologies that exponentially increased human suffering, guilt, rage and death. Viktor first survived the Holocaust and the hundred million war-time deaths of the twentieth century and then lived victoriously despite the ruthless fanaticism of Nazi Fascism, Soviet Communism and Global (Laissez Faire) Capitalism – all of which had their day in the sun but eventually proved disastrous to our civilization. The ideologues of these Isms used and abused humans as cannon fodder for their wars, as wage slaves to produce their vast wealth and as breeding stock to replenish the fallen soldiers and exhausted workers whom they wasted like pocket change by the millions.

Only someone with vested interests in the secular status quo or seduced by a relentless mammon ideology, fails to see that a depersonalized commercial life has become very difficult for each individual or family to keep meaningful and satisfying. Or how can one explain why over eighty percent of North Americans, Asians, Latin Americans, Africans and Europeans currently report that they are losing ground and are often frustrated and frightened in a culture of greed that is steadily squeezing its poor and middle class families into oblivion under the delusion of raising all boats large and small? And what does global warming and the fading ozone layer, the loss of topsoil, the desperate shortage of fresh water, the starvation of millions and the squandering of irreplaceable resources portend for humanity’s future? We are all given a finite number of years in which to make our lives count for something significant and satisfying before moving off the stage to be replaced by the eager young newcomers waiting in the wings. Logotherapy helps thoughtful persons contribute all during the years at our disposal.



Logotherapy goes beyond the often nihilistic and always fragmented limitations of traditional psychology and psychiatry which some say first lost their souls by promoting secularism as a cure for spiritually conflicted humans and then lost their minds by focusing on overt behavior rather than embracing the potent elements of a psychospiritual life style. Many early psychological scholars were contaminated by the secular Germanic philosophy of scientism or rationalism that deliberately rejected faith and worship – replacing them with a counter-productive nihilistic philosophy of meaninglessness that Frankl and DeVille insist led step by step to the World Wars, the Holocaust, the Cold War and the Terror Wars of Darkness. Among the ideologies of the narcissistic German professors were the assumptions that we are responsible to no higher power than our rulers because God is dead, might makes right and the authority to rule comes from the barrel of a gun. Even Freud wrote his critique of religion in his book The Future Of An Illusion. But while the German nihilistic professors were teaching and writing hypothetically – their disciples like Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Pol Pot and Saddam were deadly serious in their determination to rule or to ruin their societies. The ultimate results of atheistic nihilism or the philosophy of meaninglessness were the hundred million or so battle deaths of the twentieth century.

Our Logotherapy Learning Center graduate programs have been developed so scholars can apply the combined psychological knowledge and philosophical wisdom needed – first to endow one’s own life with meaning, second to use Logotherapy methods in a career that leads, teaches and counsels others to apply its potent psychospiritually principles and third, to educate enough competent men and women to protect ourselves from the narcissistic triad of reactionary politicians, ideological plutocrats and fundamental preachers who have connived together to cripple the world’s middle class for their own reasons.  

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