Logtherapy Education Center

Frequently Asked Questions

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  • What is existential or lifestyle psychology?

  • It is about the human centered lifestyle study and application of ethical values, positive attitudes, high expectations, mature beliefs and responsible choices that make life rewarding and fulfilling. Existentialism is an attempt to understand humanity and interpersonal relationships by eliminating the cleavage between individuals and their environment. This separation between the subjective person and the objective world has bedeviled our society since the renaissance.

    This intellectual split forces us to think of ourselves as separate from the events and relationships that shape our destiny. Existentialism is the attempt by many perceptive scholars in a number of disciplines to reconnect individuals with the existence in which they live and move and have their being. Existential or lifestyle psychology is in the forefront of this movement to reconnect humanity to its emotional roots. Action Logotherapy constructs re-establish the I THOU relationship to our world and environment as opposed to the I IT which alienates and disconnects us.

    Existential psychology, whose action element we apply as logotherapy, is something entirely different from the bitter and secular European philosophy called "existentialism, secular humanism, nihilism or scientism. Existential psychology is best understood as a study of the way we exist or live while seeking individual and group satisfaction as humans, including our loving relationships and our purposeful careers, along with the entertaining choices through which we seek meaning among the persons with whom we belong.

    Each individual is a unique soul consisting of his or her own physical, psychological and philosophical values, attitudes, expectations, beliefs and choices. While we speak of these three traits individually because we cannot write about all of them at once - in each person's life they are as inextricably linked together as the ingredients of a cake after it has been baked.
  • What is Logotherapy (Spirit-Wellness)?

  • Logotherapy has become the action arm of existential or lifestyle psychology that enables perceptive men and women to make their lives meaningful and fulfilling.

    Logotherapy (Spirit-Wellness) is the synthesis of existential psychology and
    metaphysical philosophy that is pleasurable, powerful and
    permanent enough to sustain your life along lines
    of excellence in good times and bad.

    It is based on the fact that all normal persons have the freedom of will to make wise and productive choices because every aspect of life can be improved by maintaining a positive attitude, reasonable expectations and responsible choices. Logotherapy (Spirit Wellness) is the existential or lifestyle approach for developing a life filled with meaning and significance in well functioning families, faith communities, companies and neighborhoods where we find a lasting sense of belonging among the good people with whom we share faith, hope and love.

    Logotherapy will teach you how to -

  • What is Logotherapy and psychospiritual Development

  • Logotherapy is the world class psychospiritual system for winning a satisfying life by normal persons who apply existential psychology and mystical philosophy in the best approach to living, loving, laboring and leading well yet identified by the human race.


    The five key aspects of Logotherapy above offer brilliant solutions to life's challenges that Mahatma Gandhi called the most meaningful discourse about living with satisfaction and joy taught by any learning master. The very fact that world class scholars are still praising Jesus' constructs two thousand years after the wandering rabbi and field preacher first uttered them in a primitive land to simple farmers and shepherds, verifies their world class value.

    Logotherapy is the world class psychospiritual system for winning a satisfying life by normal persons who apply existential psychology and mystical philosophy in the best approach to living, loving, laboring and leading well yet identified by the human race. The five key aspects of Logotherapy above offer brilliant solutions to life's challenges that Mahatma Gandhi called the most meaningful discourse about living with satisfaction and joy taught by any learning master.

    The very fact that world class scholars are still praising Jesus's constructs two thousand years after the wandering rabbi and field preacher first uttered them in a primitive land to simple farmers and shepherds, verifies their world class value. Logotherapy does indeed strike a resounding cord in contemporary minds and hearts for millions of normal souls who struggle to make life come out right. Through the last half century Logotherapy has become the action arm of existential psychology -- although it goes much further in serving thoughtful persons than psychology alone.
  • What do we mean by psychospiritual? How does physical, psychological, philosophical relate.

  • The Logotherapy Learning Center teaches you how Viktor Frankl and Jard DeVille Logotherapy constructs integrate the three aspects of life (Philosophical, Psychological, and Physical) represented in pyramid form below for persons better than any other approach.It relates to the human motivational pyramid to combine the physical, psychological and philosophical drives of life.

    Logotherapy Existential Psychology Pyramid

    Although we are forced by our limitations to discuss these three elements individually, in our activities and attitudes they are as combined as the ingredients of a cake after it has been baked. The crucial aspects of human motivation virtually always function in cooperation with each other. The following statements express our basic concepts regarding the practice of Vicktor Frankl and Jard DeVille Logotherapy as interpreted through psychospiritual concerns. Life can be filled with meaning, although there is no one great MEANING OF LIFE written in letters of fire across the sky and valid for all persons in all times and places.

           Every emotionally honest life can become meaningful during the most challenging and difficult of times.

           Our basic human motivation is our consistent need to find sound sources of meaning for ourselves in places
           of the heart where we know we belong.

           Liberated souls have the spiritual freedom needed to find a sense of purpose in all we do with the people
           with whom we share love and support in good times and bad.
  • How do you get started?


    TAKE ACTION NOW -- Learn much more about Logotherapy by downloading your own gratis library copy of our two hundred fifty page ebook self-study course YOUR SEARCH FOR A MEANINGFUL LIFE that you can have without any charge or obligation.

    Click the ebook to download.

    Complete the projects and self-focus exercises that you wish.

    Write a two or three page summary and send it to us.

    We will then assign you a Don to help you with your Masters or PhD selection.

  • Who is Viktor Frankl? What are his main books?

  • He was the brilliant successor to Sigmund Freud and Alfred Adler as the spiritual head of the Third Viennese School of Psychotherapy. Viktor wrote about thirty books about Logotherapy, the most successful of which was MAN'S SEARCH FOR MEANING which was read by about thirty million men and women in thirty-four languages. But while Freud thought the avoidance of pain and the search for pleasure and Adler considered the yearning for potency and power basic of human motivation, Frankl learned that the need for meaning and a sense of purpose was most important to we humans.

    Man's Search For Meaning

    Viktor's Books



    Click to visit Our Logotherapy Library and see the many books you will choose from for your individualized Degree.
  • Who is Jard DeVille? What are his main Books?

  • He is the most prolific and innovative interpreter of FRANKLIAN LOGOTHERAPY with a graduate curriculum of Logotherapy courses available in The Fulfillment Forum, DeVille Logotherapy Learning Center and The Learning Center's Speakers Service. His books, graduate courses, seminars, assessment instruments and presentations are considered world class by university professors and deans, corporate CEO's, church leaders and a wide variety of participants in his programs around the world.

    Jard's books and graduate courses?

    Click to visit Our Logotherapy Library and see the many books you will choose from for your individualized Degree.
    Some of Jard's Books.
  • How has Prof. DeVille gone beyond his mentor Viktor Frankl?

  • While Viktor Frankl taught about our human yearning for meaning, Jard DeVille added the longing for belonging with the men and women with whom we share faith, hope and love. Jard combined Viktor's focus on personal meaning with his own emphasis on situations and relationships where one belongs emotionally -- where good people are accepted, loved and trusted in places of the heart.

    Let us assure you, while the almost daily existential frustrations or the painful discontents of civilization are private matters not often or openly discussed among career professionals (teachers, ministers, physicians, attorneys civil servants, managers and etc.). Life, love and career satisfaction is indeed often on the minds of men and women who seek significance and satisfaction personally and professionally in our always complex and often disappointing society. Multitudes of persons from all walks of life who feel disappointed by life want to find better ways of gaining fulfillment.

    Existential disappointment had become the mass neurosis of our era.

    Therefore, when you demonstrate a consistent ability to help others and yourself live a better, more meaningful life -- virtually every person is fascinated when they learn about the existential or lifestyle concepts of Logotherapy and its pragmatic methods of gaining consistent fulfillment. We have never disappointed an audience in more than a hundred presentations, retreats, short college courses and seminars. Many ministers, deans, managers, executives and psychologists report that our Logotherapy programs are the best presentations as to content and style they have ever heard. Click To See Testimonials For Our Programs

    The world community was fascinated as the word spread that something significant was going on. Franklian Logotherapy as interpreted and taken further by the DeVilles does indeed go right to the heart of living wisely and well and the people who attend our sessions or study our books and courses understand that immediately. And so shall you!
  • How would a Logotherapy degree benefit my career?

  • Special Benefit Number One (Empowering Your Love, Labor And Leadership) - The Center's MS and PhD programs have been developed for persons such as yourself to complete sound life tasks and enjoy rewarding relationships with consistent satisfaction within their homes, churches, schools, communities, professional associations and companies. Logotherapy is powerful indeed for ambitious persons who strive to make their lives purposeful and significant. Rather than training Logotherapy Learning Center degree candidates in the practice of psychiatry or psychotherapy, we educate scholars to live meaningful lives and to guide others with sound behavioral knowledge and deep philosophical wisdom.

    Special Benefit Number Two - While Viktor Frankl taught about our human yearning for meaning, Jard DeVille added the longing for belonging with the men and women with whom we share faith, hope and love. He combined Viktor's focus on personal meaning with his own emphasis on situations and relationships where one belongs emotionally where good people are accepted, loved and trusted in places of the heart.

    Special Benefit Number Three (Establishing A Logotherapy Service) - We offer you the opportunity to meet a troubled society's nearly universal existential needs directly through an organizational or private practice of Logotherapy. Enhance your professional significance, satisfaction and earnings by teaching Logotherapy classes, making compelling speeches, writing a blog and counseling or coaching individuals and groups for your own esteem and income during the painful lifestyle changes overwhelming so many persons. Your practice could become invaluable as career level jobs vanish almost overnight and most people are forced to change employers six or eight times during their adult lives with absolutely no security. As a pastor or personnel trainer; a teacher or social worker as a company manager or executive, or a Logotherapy consultant - you can teach, write to and coach others to develop their best sources of meaning and belonging with individual and group counseling services, seminars and motivational presentations through the spiritual values, positive attitudes, high expectations, mature beliefs and responsible choices that make life most meaningful and successful.
  • What evidence of achievement is offered?

  • This includes transcripts, attractive diplomas, letters of recommendation, signet rings if desired and especially a powerful positive attitude and high expectation of competence and successful service.


    Click the ebook to download.

    Complete the projects and self-focus exercises that you wish.

    Write a two or three page summary and send it to us.

    We will then assign you a Don to help you with your Masters or PhD selection.
  • How does a Logotherapy degree compare in effort and cost to a traditional degree?

    - A master's scholar can pay tuition as he or she progresses toward a degree by submitting a two hundred dollar initial payment and following that with a one hundred fifty dollars per month for twelve months or until the remaining two thousand dollars is paid.

    We are flexible with payment. Please contact us if you need additional information or need to arrange a payment plan different from those discribed.

    Pre-Paid Discount for Masters Degrees - When the entire tuition package is pre-paid while selecting the course work or within two months after registering, the complete Master's fee is one thousand for the six courses which amounts to a significant savings.

    For doctoral courses, the monthly payment plan for the tuition package for the eight post-introduction courses is a three hundred dollar deposit plus two hundred dollars per month until the remaining three thousand dollars are paid.

    The prepaid doctoral plan is two thousand dollars total providing it is paid when registering or within the two months following. For international scholars, the course fees are the same as for American nationals but in American money. We charge no interest on monthly payments.

    This will take you through the first step in your graduate degree program, which you are cordially invited to continue with your academic don's guidance. We wish you consistent meaning and achievement for yourself and for those persons with whom you share faith, hope, love and mutual support.
  • How much time is needed to earn an online Logotherapy degree?

  • There is either a thesis or a practicum requirement and our programs require about twelve months of spare time effort for the masters and fourteen to sixteen months for the doctorate.

    Choose the major and Core courses and Collateral volumes that are most appropriate for reaching your goals. We estimate, 2 hours a day four days a week, saturday morning - Masters 12 months, PhD 15 months.

    Thesis, Dissertation or Practicum - You can research and write a minimum thirty page thesis for the master's degree or a minimum fifty page dissertation for the doctorate or you can do a thirty hour master's or a fifty hour doctoral practicum instead.

    If you choose to write a thesis, you should set up a document file early in your study in which to keep and organize your thesis or dissertation notes with page, paragraph and sentence numbers so they can easily be relocated.

    The practicum can also be discussed with your don and can be a volunteer service for a group of people such as a scout troop, a nursing home, a hospital or jail, a school or church or some other service organization where you shall interact with people and apply your increasing Logotherapy skills for their benefit and your growing wisdom. Service societies of all kinds are always seeking speakers for their programs and will offer a free lunch and sometimes a small fee.
  • How are the Master and PhD Logotherapy Degrees Individualized?

  • We use online academic dons and chat room study groups. This approach allows each scholar to learn at his or her own pace in one's own space. We offer eighteen book length downloads (with two more coming) in five academic majors as our Core Curriculum. MAJORS ARE Personal Logotherapy, Wellness Logotherapy, Leadership Logotherapy, Family Logotherapy and Faith Logotherapy. We reinforce those mega Core courses with almost a hundred classic volumes from thirty or so world class scholars in our Collateral Curriculum. You choose your own major and courses -- except for the introductory Core course YOUR SEARCH FOR A MEANINGFUL LIFE and Viktor Frankl's MAN'S SEARCH FOR MEANING from the Collateral list that sets the stage for Logotherapy.

    Each Learning Center graduate scholar is free to choose any six of the eighteen courses to be studied for the master's program or any eight for the doctoral degree. Each master's scholar also selects two collateral volumes to be read with each Core course while the doctoral candidate selects three classics from the collateral list for each Core course. If you have any questions or experience some difficulty in choosing a major or with specific courses, your academic don is only an email or chat away to help you.

    There is either a thesis or a practicum requirement and our programs require about twelve months of spare time effort for the masters and fourteen to sixteen months for the doctorate. Choose the major and Core courses and Collateral volumes that are most appropriate for reaching your goals.

    All of our Core courses have been previously published as successful books by major book houses such as Morrow and New American Library, by Lasser in Mexico City and Yanagadiara of Tokyo, as graduate courses for the Universities of Arizona and Wisconsin students or for corporate managers and executive seminars throughout the United States and the world.